Gap-Filled Sensitivity Data ThrIndS_Combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal and annual values of r95, r99, r05, r01, prcptot, r95, r99, r20, r10 ThrIndS_tmin_combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal and annual values of tmin and fd ThrIndS_tmax_combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal and annual values of tmax and su rx5s_Combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal and annual values of rx5 rx1s_Combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal and annual values of rx1 SDIIS_Combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal and annual values of sdiis CDD_CWD_Combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal CDD and CWD indices (including both hunter/gatherer/pastoral and agricultural societies) CDD_CWD_Combined_ann_sens.xls: annual CDD and CWD indices CSDI_Combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal CSDI indices (including both hunter/gatherer/pastoral and agricultural societies) CSDI_combined_ann_sens.xlsx: annual values of CSDI index for each site WSDI_Combined_sens.xlsx: Seasonal WSDI indices (including both hunter/gatherer/pastoral and agricultural societies) WSDI_combined_ann_sens.xlsx: annual values of WSDI index for each site daily_coef_var_sens.csv – coefficients of variation annuals_for_factors_reform_sens.xlsx: values used for factor analysis and resulting factors predictability_sens folder: predictability data for each of the variables Redone Dry and Dry Predictability Factor Analysis Factors_revised_2020.xls